
The design challenge was creating a social and technical intervention that leverages existing data sources or gathers data innovatively. The intervention needed to encompass a wide range of data types, from digital to analog, and have the potential to either enhance or disrupt daily lives. We aimed to identify a specific user or user group that would benefit from this intervention, emphasizing its importance, relevance, and meaning. In response to this challenge, we aimed to design an intervention focused on enhancing personal and social well-being while contributing to the broader concept of 'social good.' We envisioned a participatory design process involving the target user population in data collection. This approach aimed to foster a sense of community and collaboration.

In summary, our design response to the brief involved a user-centric, participatory approach to data collection, fostering personal and social well-being, and aligning with the broader goal of benefiting society through responsible and meaningful data utilization.

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Project information

  • Category: Annoted Portfolio
  • Project Name: Go Share
  • Domain: Shared Economies
  • Team:Madhura N, Sutakorn, Loukia, Norah & Ming

Design Brief

Design Respose: Living well together with data