
I'm Madhura Nanjudaiah

About Me

UI/UX Designer & Web Developer

"Welcome to my portfolio! I'm an enthusiastic UX designer with a strong focus on crafting intuitive and visually appealing interfaces. With a background in Human-Computer Interaction and a passion for designing user-friendly experiences, I specialize in creating interfaces that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Please feel free to explore my work and see how I can help you bring your digital experiences to the next level."

  • Degree: MSc in Human-Computer Interaction (Sep' 2023), School of computing, Newcastle University, UK
  • My MSc in Human-Computer Interaction at the University of Newcastle, UK, equipped me to design user-centric products and technologies. I gained expertise in incorporating cognitive and emotional factors into design through the Interaction Design (IxD) process. This included crafting intuitive interactive systems. Additionally, I honed my UX research and design skills, considering user psychology's impact on behavior. Research methods and analysis allowed me to design user experiences that address these needs. Finally, I mastered high-level physical prototyping, creating and testing tangible mockups of products and systems.
  • Bachelors: Computer Science & Engineering
  • Age: OLDish
  • Freelance: Happy To Work

Recent Project

Heuristic Evaluation of the Nexus POP Metro App


In this project, I conducted a heuristic evaluation to assess the user experience (UX) of the Nexus Metro App. Heuristic evaluation is a usability inspection method for identifying usability problems in a user interface (UI) design. By reviewing the app against established usability principles, I aimed to highlight areas needing improvement to enhance user satisfaction and effectiveness.

View full design on Figma : POP Nexus App Heuristics - Madhura


Based the evaluation on Jakob Nielsen's 10 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design, which are widely recognized principles for evaluating the usability of interfaces.I identified key screens and interactions within the Nexus Metro App that are critical to the user experience. This included onboarding screens, issue reporting, ticket booking, journey planning, and real-time updates.

For each identified issue, I suggested potential improvements and solutions aimed at enhancing usability and user satisfaction and have documented all findings in a detailed report, including screenshots, identified issues, severity ratings, and proposed solutions.

Onboarding Screen Report Issue Screen Ticket Booking-1  Screen Ticket Booking-2  Screen Real Time Update Screen Other technical & UX issues

Detailed Heuristic Analysis with Severity Ratings

Other technical & UX issues
  • ALL
  • Projects
  • Illustrations
  • Cartoon
Ryalto Developer's page
Wanderlust NCL


Languages and tools I'm experienced with:

Developer's Stash

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Angular

Designer's Wand

  • Figma
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Procreate
  • Will learn, if required

Design Work

Aced the 5-Day Illustration Portfolio Challenge! Big thanks to Mike Lowery (@mikelowerystudio)

Here's some sticker art I made during the challenge. Learned to beat the blank page stare and not overthink it!